Kodi (Not Responding) when playing stream
Just something I'm curious about as technically I guess everything is working.

I'm using the the following to play a live stream from the internet xbmc.Player().play(item=link, listitem=li) now the stream plays eventually, but for about 6-7 seconds Kodi locks up, animations stop and if running on Windows in windowed mode (Not Responsing) appears in the window... once the 6-7 seconds are up the stream plays without issue, I'm just curious to know if there's a way to not lock up Kodi keep the animations going and not have it display (Not Responding) or perhaps there's a different way to play the stream that won't cause it to look up?

I'm guessing it's a buffering issue?
Could also be an API issue. Try to play the same file via the UI.
if i create strm file with the link (im guessing this is what you mean) i get the exact same issue
altered my code as i noticed i was making the link a folder and then playing the video file when entering it... so added

liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')

this has the same issue, but whilst the video is loading an alert appears "Playback Failed: One or more items failed to play. Check the lgo for more information" and that read CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
interestingly though, the video then starts to play under the alert >_<"
Not sure if relevant. I see freezes like that all the time when media is on a HDD that needs to "speed up" before serving the file. It is obvious and ugly and amateurish to look at. My solution this far has been to avoid any animations. Aka work around this, and all the other, "hickups".
yea, to be honest it's not so bad when i have it running on my raspberry pi, if i switch the code back so the timeout popup doesn't display, it's fullscreen so i don't get anything like the (Not Responding) and as there's no mouse i cant see it freeze, you just get a pause and then everything plays, it mainly just urks me when im writing the code and testing it on my windows machine and on the rare occasions i click on the wrong thing on the pi and then have to wait for the video to play before i can cancel it.
You are testing with current master branch, don't you?
im using Kodi 16.1 Git:20160424-c327c53

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Kodi (Not Responding) when playing stream0