Kodi 17 "Krypton" and HEVC Hardware decoding
I have a six-core processor and a GTX 960 video card running on Windows 7 64-bit.

I am getting 8-bit HEVC video to work via hardware decoding (about 1 % CPU usage)
I am NOT getting 10-bit HEVC video to work via hardware decoding (about 99 % CPU usage)

I checked ffmeg's home page and the changelog says that 10-bit was not added till ffmeg 3.1.1 and kodi
is using 3.0.2. I was wondering if/when will kodi will be implementing the newer ffmpeg so that 10-bit
HEVC hardware decoding is working?

Thanks in advance for your help. Later.

Use kodi v17 - we use ffmpeg 3.1.1. An we use this since several weeks / months already.

Edit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/1bb5...2d15446aac (28 June)
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
I am using Kodi v17.

I know that the GTX 960 will do 10-bit HEVC hardware decoding, as it does it perfectly with MPC-HC using LAV filters.
10-bit HEVC video relies entirely on the CPU when played in Kodi v17. 8-bit works fine in Kodi v17.

Is this a Kodi issue or an FFMPEG issue? Do you have any suggestions on getting the 10-bit to work?

Thanks for your help.

I use a GTX 950 and Kodi17 with Win10 64bit. I can play a mkv with 4k / 10bit with about 0% CPU usage. Maybe you have some drivers issues.

I can play the jelly fish testfile 400Mbit/s 10bit 4k without an issue and very less CPU usage.

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Kodi 17 "Krypton" and HEVC Hardware decoding0