
I have recently set up my kodi box and have a couple of questions...

When i search for a film i.e (the new independance day) it loads and the quality is great however it has hardcoded japaneese subs, I know that you cannot get rid of these but is it possible to stop this source loading and try another?? - My box seems to automatically load a souce without letting me select one. - this is the case on another film but when i check for the first spiderman film there is no subs and great quality


I am told that sooner or later a new source will be available that dosnt have the subtitles present, how long does this take? - And if this is the case then how am i able to search and select a diffrent source as I have stated above it automatically plays a source.

Any help is 100% appreciated, and apologies if this is the wrong place.

The only info I have about my box it that its a GFTIME MX9

Thanks in advance!
Kodi has nothing to do with the piracy add-ons you are attempting to use please read the forum rules.
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Read/follow the forum rules.
Unfortunately, you have paid quite some money (I 'm guessing) for open source software in combination with illegal streaming addons. You won't receive any support for those here.

Kodi itself doesn't come with any content. It's a fabulous piece of software to enjoy your own content (music, movies, tvshows etc). Some developers have created addons to be able to stream certain content as well. Addons like youtube, retrospect, abc family are examples of legal addons. Exodus, phoenix etc are examples of banned addons (see also the link provided by Dangelus) as they enable people to watch content that they normally would have paid for.

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