Win YouTube cast
Will yt cast option work with kodi? Can I use my phone/tablet to play yt videos on my not smart TV?
This might be what you're looking for or if you have Android Kore (wiki)
(2016-11-19, 17:30)PatK Wrote: This might be what you're looking for or if you have Android Kore (wiki)
Not sure I was clear. Yt cast, as I understand it, projects the content playing on your device to a TV. But you need a smart TV. I was wondering if I could somehow cast videos playing on my phone to my not so smart TV connected to kodi.
(2016-11-19, 17:30)PatK Wrote: This might be what you're looking for or if you have Android Kore (wiki)
you were clear, and PatK gave you the right hint. installing an android remote like kore ore yatse and you will be able to share from youtube to kodi. should be also a chrome extension for same purpose.
Yeah, the Yatse app is pretty useful, I use it all the time. I also use it to throw vimeo and Google Music links to Kodi.

If you want a more seamless YouTube cast experience though have you tried ? Just pair it with your phone and put your browser in fullscreen and pretend you have a smart TV.
(2016-11-23, 07:53)NeilEraser Wrote: Yeah, the Yatse app is pretty useful, I use it all the time. I also use it to throw vimeo and Google Music links to Kodi.

If you want a more seamless YouTube cast experience though have you tried ? Just pair it with your phone and put your browser in fullscreen and pretend you have a smart TV.
I tried it, it said yt on TV is supported on my device, galaxy s3.
Anything like this for iOS ?

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