v17 [SOLVED] [PARTLY] Radeon HD5450
Does not work Graphics AMD Radeon HD5450 !

I have Kodibuntu

I replaced the graphics card NVIDIA for AMD

Kodi 16.* works (although ...)
Kodi 17.* does not work. It can be seen immediately after the start of tearing display. Just unusable.

What with this? If the drivers, so what? In Synaptic Package Manager, there are more and do not know what to choose.
probably drivers. FGLRX is not supported. Otherwise: Debug Log
I installed the drivers official through the Synaptic Package Manager and works great!

Just so long does it take to start your computer. Before ever seen info from bios.
With the NVIDIA card, it was right.
And you know why the normal shutdown PC always freezes. (Restart and check-out is fine).
If you are using Ubuntu the new kernel supports Radeon without the proprietary drivers. I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on a PC with a Radeon HD 4250 (R620). In the past I tried Ubuntu 14 LTS; it just would not work with the Radeon card.

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[SOLVED] [PARTLY] Radeon HD54500