Newbee Question
Just bought an MXQ Android TV box and need help setting it up.
I downloaded Kodi onto my McBook and will be setting it up soon.
My question is after i get Kodi setup on my computer how do i get that
info onto the MXQ?
You need to install the android version of Kodi on your android device.
OK And then what? How do I get the info from my Android phone to the MXQ?
You install the android version on your MXQ not your phone.
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Or are you talking about replicating the *setup*? In principle, you simply install Kodi again on a second, third or more platform; however, if you want the same addons, or the same library, then it's a little more complicated.
Sorry for all of the confusion. Kodi is already installed on the MXQ.I hooked it up to my TV and tried adding the adons using the on screen keyboard.
That turned out to be very difficult. So i thought if i downloaded KODI in my computer i could do all of the adons there and transfer the info into the MXQ if that is possible.
It's possible to replicate setup between same-version Kodi instances - search the forum for userdata, and read the wiki (userdata (wiki)). It really hinges on where the MXQ puts the files as much as anything.

Perhaps a USB keyboard or Bluetooth unit would make typing easier. Most people don't really have that many addons, so it's relatively straightforward to re-install - what addons are we talking about here? Is it long-winded repo names and zip files?
(2016-12-08, 18:25)420benz Wrote: Sorry for all of the confusion. Kodi is already installed on the MXQ.I hooked it up to my TV and tried adding the adons using the on screen keyboard.
That turned out to be very difficult. So i thought if i downloaded KODI in my computer i could do all of the adons there and transfer the info into the MXQ if that is possible.
Did you try Kore, the official remote app? Not as good as real keyborad but way better then the onscreen one.
No but i will. Thanks
I Downloaded Yates and Enabled all of the things necessary to get it to work but when i came to the settings menu in Kodi i don't see Interface settings to select Control Menu.
The old Motorola Nyxboards are great remotes if you can find one. I had a few at one point, but have since sold them, with the exception of the one I use for my LibreELEC box.
Don't know what i am supposed to see? I don't see a keyboard now.
Switched to Kore and it works!
Thanks to all.

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