Change Data Location For FireTV Media Player!
Hey everyone. I really need some help. I just purchased the 2nd gen FireTV Media player and I added a 64GB SDHC with a read/write speed of 90MB/s and Kodi 17.

I installed over 400 addons and I started to populate the Movies, TV Shows and Music sections of Kodi with media from website url sources that I added to the library. I have 6 websites I'm using and each one takes up over 2GBs of my internal memory. So, I quickly ran out of internal memory.

I want to be able to store my Kodi data to my SDHC card instead of the internal memory. I followed the instructions here, but now Kodi won't work at all.

I wondered also if it would slow down Kodi by transferring the data from internal memory to external media.

My Kodi Internal Storage Data is here:

I created this folder on my SD Card and copied all of my data there:

I made a file called and put it in the folder /mnt/sdcard/. I created the file with ES FIle Explorer and saved the file as a Unix file. and inside the file I put:

So, I'm not sure what's wrong but now Kodi won't even load anymore. Thanks so much for all of your help and time!
Wow 400 addons?

Think we're gonna need a debug log before we go any further with this one
Thank you for the reply. So according to the instructions on getting the log file I need to be able to run Kodi and I can no longer run Kodi. So, I'll have to undo everything I did so Kodi will run and then follow the instructions for debugging and then redo the stuff so Kodi doesn't work again and then redo what I did to Kodi to get it to work again so I can get the log file? I'm not sure but it's sounding like that's what I need to do? Please let me know. Thanks!
The problem just seems to be that when Kodi starts it can no longer find the data files. So, I just need to know the correct setup for the 2nd Gen. FireTV Media player for setting up to use the Data with external Media. That should fix the problem right there.
IIRC - and I might not, I rarely use android - you'll need to effectively stick files in the same place on the sd card as they are in your internal memory. So your structure is something like sdcard1/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files and your xbmc.env.thingy is something like

A debug log isn't going to help if kodi can't start - but if you've stuck 400 addons on there a debug log posted here would lead inevitably to a trashed thread anyway.
If you want support here it generally needs to be with a clean (ie no banned addons) debug log. Knowing that will mean you won't waste your time, and neither will the mods.
I'm going to try and follow these instructions I found on this website to see if I can get it to work.
Well, I think I did everything on that website correctly but it's still not working. So, I guess I'll just wait until someone in the future has an idea and I'll just restore it to the way it was. Thanks everybody for your help and time!

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Change Data Location For FireTV Media Player!0