Win Map Keyboard Media Buttons To Kodi Only
Hi all

I have been searching for an answer to this question and the only ones I find either do not work or I don't quite understand how to implement them.

I use my main Windows 10 PC hooked up to my TV and monitor for Kodi 17

I have a main keyboard and also a mini wireless keyboard which I use as the Kodi remote,

My issue is whenever I am using the pc (for gaming, browsing, whatever) and my wife has Kodi playing she cannot control kodi as the keyboard will only work on the screen being used,

Is there anyway to either make the mini keyboard only work on Kodi, or failing that assign the media keys on the keyboards to only operate kodi?

I have installed eventghost but cannot for the life of me figure out how to configure it to do this.

Getting very annoying having to stop what I am doing to move my mouse over to the other screen so kodi can be controlled! Rofl

Many thanks

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