Can't Turn Off OSD of video file INFO top RIGHT corner
Kodi 17 on Amazon Fire TV. I was adjusting settings and seemed to have turned on an OSD which pops up in the top right corner every time I play a video file. It has audio and video info, frame rate etc. plus the letters MUL to one side. Would be grateful if somebody could point me towards turning it off again. Many thanks!
does pressing "o" help? If not, maybe you can find something here:
I'm just using the Fire Tv remote not a keyboard, I checked out the keyboard shotcuts for a clue, but can't find anything. I know its not the debugging OSD, that pops up on the left of the screen. I can turn that on and off easily enough. This OSD info pops up when I either play a video file from my hard drive through Kodi or even a stream from an add on.
Does not come from Kodi

You should check your fire TV settings
Moanbag is in da place!
Does it look like this?
If so, follow this guide to turn it off.
I bet he is talking about this one:


Seems that the advanced options are "ON" in the developer tools menu of the Fire TV
Moanbag is in da place!
A ha! You were right. A third party app I'd wandered into had opened Fire TV's hidden menu. Many thanks for the tip off :-)

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Can't Turn Off OSD of video file INFO top RIGHT corner0