Kodi 'blank' when turing on TV / AVR
I run Kodi on my Win10 PC, always on. When I turn off the TV/AVR and turn it back on, 90% of the time the screen is blank/black. I must use the keyboard to kill the Kodi process and restart it.

Kodi is running fullscreen (not windowed)

Anyone know how to fix?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Since I upgraded to v17, that became an issue for me also. I would find Kodi unresponsive in the morning.

My solution is to leave my AVR on 24/7 with my HTPC. There is no problem switching off the TV.

Another solution is this... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=158432
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Kodi 'blank' when turing on TV / AVR0