connecting to a database remotely on local network.
Setup my advancedsettings.xml to connect to DB on local network.


setup the kodi user on myphpadmin.


Logs show it can't connect to DB and do what it needs to do.

I went under the assumption that it is only allowing localhost access, and tried adding an wildcard so all the IP(s) that the router can give would be cleared for access.

Stumped. What am I doing wrong?
In my opinion, the very first entry in the NAS's mysql user table, is the biggest opening you can create to 'the rest of the world'. Probably/Hopefully your router doesn't pass along the default MySQL port (3306), but any hacker who walks around that problem will have unlimited access to all of your databases. PHPMyAdmin doesn't color those entries in red for nothing.

I've never tried XBMC or Kodi without passwords on MySQL. No idea if that works or is allowed.

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