Can't install Kodi on android 5.1?
Due to all the Krypton incompatibilities with my old box that I couldnt update, I finally bought a new box (The Pigflytech 2017 MINI PC) and it has Lollipop on it. I tried to download from the kodi site using both the playstore and the .APK download and both said my device was incompatible? (the .apk just said couldnt read file).

I know I am a noob, but I thought for sure all I needed was lollipop. This is my ABOUT screen--

what am I doing wrong? do i need to send this box back?
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I did start there. Only thing that seemed relevant is That it wasn't 5.0 and mine is. Shouldn't need to be side loaded, so what else is on there that is relevant?
It's an android 5.1 box. Why else would it not be compatible?
Stop using Android for Kodi full stop if you want less pain and actually want something that works...

Run LibreELEC Kodi Krypton entirely from a recommended Samsung EVO, Sandisk or Lexar 300x Class10 microSDHC card.

Android will still be retained on internal device storage.


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Can't install Kodi on android 5.1?0