possible to have edit replace feature?
Just wondering if there is a way to edit my xml through Kodi rather than the file itself. For example I want to do a find and replace in my xml without going into the xml itself but would rather have some pop up box that wold allow me to put in the word I want to find and replace and clicking done, followed by another popup box that allows u to put in the new word and then "replacing all"

Is there anyway to do something like this? Does anyone have something like this they could share? or a program that allows us to edit our own xml files with this sort of simple function (find & replace all)?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Which .xml?
Any xml that we create. Is there an xml editor or addon that allows us to link up an xml file from for example and make changes? Im just really looking for a search and replace feature - putting in 1st word that is the target to be replaced followed by the new word and then doing an "replace all'. Just wondered if something like this exists or if kodi has created such an addon for users.

You might be asking, that Kodi offers a built in editor, might be one step beyond for a media player atm. You could consider something like notepad++ with preset paths for xml files that you regularly edit, it holds around 15 of the recent files, with the option to load all. Load and save sessions in notepad++ is another way to keep your fingers on a number of xml files. If your coding skills are up, you probably can invoke notepad++ from within Kodi, pre loaded.
(2017-07-29, 22:19)Perfect Styles Wrote: Any xml that we create. Is there an xml editor or addon that allows us to link up an xml file from for example and make changes? Im just really looking for a search and replace feature - putting in 1st word that is the target to be replaced followed by the new word and then doing an "replace all'. Just wondered if something like this exists or if kodi has created such an addon for users.
I've still no idea what sort of file you're talking about - an xml you create to do what?
In general terms though it would be relatively straightforward to do a search / replace with a python script, and call / run that in kodi. Learn a bit of python and use the built-in RunScript function. Outside kodi, as above - notepad++ makes searching / replacing text very simple.
Thanks to both of you..you have put me on the right track. The search replace python script would be good to do and Ill work on that but in the meantime, Notepad++ is certainly a step up. Just looking to make simple edits within Kodi is the goal. I just created a simple xml file that I wanted to edit without having to step out of Kodi to do it. I was curious if there was/is an existing tool that allows for some simpler functions that might be useful. Dont know python but definitely willing to do some work to see if I can build something or come back AFTER I have put in the effort myself and ask for more help.

Thanks again to both of you.

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possible to have edit replace feature?0