Nightly Updates
Guys im running the latest nightly 18 Alpha 1 Sept 1, now how do i keep up to date without loosing all my add ons. Thanx
If you don't know what alpha versions mean in software, perhaps it's better to stick to the stable version of Kodi?

Alpha versions are for testing out new versions, new features, etc. Things can & will break. Just so you know.
Testers also know to make backups before testing. If you do that, who cares if you loose addons.
I did read and understand the risks of running an alpha build as you explained but was wondering as nightly builds are released nearly everyday will Kodi update its self or do i need to download and install every time a new version is released.
Not for Windows, I'm afraid... :-|
It think it would be if Kodi alpha was also supplied via the Windows Store, but I don't think that's the case.
I haven't been a Windows user for quite some time :-)

With Ubuntu and its PPA for nightlies, Kodi would be auto-updated daily indeed.
It's basically the same for all OSs (I can't speak to Linux). Nightlies have to be installed/updated manually.
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