v16 Movie micros stutters and freezing

I also posted this on the Wetek forum, but gonna try here as well. Some changes from original text is that I actually didn't have emby deleted. I would appreciate any help!


I am experiencing micro stutters with movies and sometimes with series. What is weird and only happens in movies is that is just freezes (video) at some point. If I forward or rewind I can see that the movie is now at anything between 100 and +200 hours, if I rewind back it is ok for the rest of the duration, or if I stop the movie and hit play, again no freeze.

I will give you example of the logs (hopefully I find what you need). It does not matter what kind of movie I play, be it normal mkv or remuxes
Example below froze at ~11-12 minutes into the movie.

\\\\\\ I removed the log and will paste a debug log after next movie.

Now If I think about it the micro stutters might be because of emby, I will remove it whole.
But the fact that only movies freeze and only once and not TV Shows is weird. And I have this problem like forever.

Also as extra info I only have one hardware acceleration active because of the HUE add-in as ambilight. I can swear I had the issues even before installing the Hue lightstrip.

Thank you!
Please don't post log text directly in the forum post. Use a service such as pastebin and remove the text from your initial post.

Also we require a complete Debug log (wiki) to be able to assist you, not snippets.
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Read/follow the forum rules.
Hello, here debug log. I had to use zerobin as file is too large for pastebin:


Issue occurred at ~10:30-33
I assume here is the issue:

@Karellen- Log removed. You have already been told not to post logs in the forum
I still need help...
Then don't cut logfiles and just provide what: Debug Log wants
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
You already have the dubug log
Yeah - known kodi 16 problem - EOL. Retry with version 18 as this is still developed.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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Movie micros stutters and freezing0