No picture till I press OSD
I am using Kodi on Windows 10 with GTX 1060 card.

Kodi Version 17.4.

When i play a movie I only hear the sound but no video. As soon i press "M" on my keyboard the video shows up with OSD controls. if I press "back" the OSD controls go away and so does the video. basically i can watch the video as long as i keep the OSD controls on.

This only happens after the computer wakes up from sleep. To fix this problem all i have to do is either reboot or exit kodi and restart it.

Has anyone experienced this if yes do they know how to fix it.

Quote:This only happens after the computer wakes up from sleep.
A few oddities have been reported returning from sleep mode. Start out by checking that your drivers are up to date. The most important ones to check in relation to sleep mode issues are chipset drivers, network drivers, and BIOS drivers. It’s also a good idea to ensure that you’re running the latest version of Windows 10 (check your power settings). Kodi or one of the in-progress tasks can become fragmented it depends on ram allocations and how the o/s puts away tasks, changing the launch order of the program is sometimes all that's needed. I see some reports with Emby and CEC, perhaps a proper debug log (wiki) might offer a clue after the issue. Suspect, in this case, is the graphics memory.

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No picture till I press OSD0