NFS mount doesn't show all videos in file view
Kodi 17.6 run on Libreelec.

Files are all stored on pc in kitchen and shared and mounted over NFS. TV, Movies and Music in separate folders and all mounted with the same privileges.

Using "FILES"" view, the HTPC in lounge can see the TV folder yet tv shows in there don't show. There is a list of directories yet only one shows the files in it and they will play. Movies and Music are all fine.

Using my Android phone with Kodi or my tablet and all works fine which kinda points me to there being an issue on the htpc.

If I use the Library option on the htpc then I can play files but harder to navigate when looking for a specific show.

Using file manager on the HTPC I can browse to the kitchen pc, TV shows and see everything. I checked ownerships and permissions on the kitchen pc and all looks good.

Any pointers?

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NFS mount doesn't show all videos in file view0