Issue Adding Nvidia Driver PPA
Hi. I'm having issues adding the Nvidia driver PPA that is detailed in the Wiki. I've tried on a number of builds as I'm trying to iron out how to create a successful build of Kodi on Ubuntu as the Kodibuntu install that used to be provided is now defunct.

Trying to add the ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates PPA, I use the following straight from the Wiki...

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates

I then get the following back...

Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates'.
Please check that the PPA name or format is correct.

Does this PPA still exist or am I doing something wrong?

I guess you are following this wiki:

Is that correct?

If so, you should read the very first line of that wiki which tells you:


"Outdated" means, that the informations on those pages might not be valid anymore.

If you want to install nvidia drivers, you should first look at the ppa your OS provides, if something is in there which might fit. Adding ppa might harm your system if you don't know what you are doing.

If you can't find any matching driver (which I would doubt) then you can use this ppa:

That should have the drivers you might need. It all depends on your card which we don't know yet.

But, as said. The first place to look at is the PPA which is shipped by default with your OS. Ubuntu, for example, ships the 384.x driver already IIRC.
You are correct. Sorry, I just glossed over that first bit as I kind of knew what I was looking for. My apologies and thanks for the response.

I've traditionally used the 210 but am now trying a more updated card with the 710.

I'm not bothered about harming my systems as I have a couple of test machines that I'm using to work this out on so if I kill them it's not a problem. Ubuntu doesn't take long to install especially on SSD. I'm not a Linux expert by any stretch but this is how I'm learning.

I'm starting to get the feeling I should just go with the driver that Ubuntu installs by default rather than trying to find an updated version other than that which installs via the default PPAs.
(2017-12-25, 11:08)Rogue Trooper Wrote: I'm starting to get the feeling I should just go with the driver that Ubuntu installs by default rather than trying to find an updated version other than that which installs via the default PPAs.

If that's the "nouveau" driver, it won't work as well. You have to go to the Ubuntu settings and search for additional drivers. Then you should see some proprietary drivers to choose from. Nouveau is not supported with Kodi.

Just to mention it.
Thanks for mentioning it. Found the Nvidia binary driver version 384.90 and it seems to be happy with that.

Looks like I've been trying to do it the hard way when a simpler method was right under my nose and I was unaware of it.

Thanks very much for taking the time to point me in the right direction.
yw Wink

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Issue Adding Nvidia Driver PPA0