Desperate for help. UPNP lost all art/info after change. Feeling DEFEATED :(
Hi everyone. Really hoping someone could help me sort this mess. Up until yesterday I had Kodi successfully installed for over a year on both my desktop computer and my laptop. I have the vast majority of my movies on my desktop and had set it up over UPNP to stream these to my laptop and it worked flawlessly. On my laptop I made 3 menus called "Screaming Online" "Adventure"and "Telekenesis" (one for horror, adventure, and tv) that were streamed directly from my desktop and it worked exactly as I wanted. For instance on my laptop i'd click on "Screaming Online" and as long as Kodi was running on my desktop it would open to all of my horror movies, with posters, art, info, etc. Exactly as it would look if I would open it on my desktop. It would even bookmark where i'd left off between the two, it was perfect

 However...yesterday I decided to upgrade to the Aeon Nox skin on both computers, and at first it went flawlessly. Everything still worked as it should have, things streamed fine, art was there, etc...The way I have it organized on my desktop is one folder called "Videos". Inside that folder is three more folders, "Horror" "Adventure" and "TV", which is why on my laptop I'd previously simply made a horror menu (screaming online) a TV menu (Telekenesis) and an adventure menu (Adventure) to stream to.  

BUT then I decided that I really didn't need to have separate folders for both adventure movies and horror, and just wanted to combine the two to declutter and have less menus to worry about on Kodi, so on my desktop I combined the horror and adventure movies into a single folder called "Movietime". So now the only two folder to deal with, inside the Videos folder were just Movietime and TV, thinking that way I could simply have a "Streamed Movies" menu on my laptop and a "Streamed TV" menu and simplify things. But something went really wrong

 For one thing, when trying to set up these new menus Kodi kept referring to the old folders, even though they no longer exist. However by going through a "sources" option I did manage to locate the new folders and set them up as menus so that clicking on the "Streamed Movies" menu for instance would take me to the desktop Movietime folder. However there are now no cover art, thumbnails, or info of any kind. There are simply a bunch of generic folders that show the name of each movie and show but nothing else. Even when I try to use the context menu to go to "Information" it simply says it's unable to show me any. Literally no information is now coming through except the names of the videos themselves, with every folder simply showing a generic movie icon. 

 The movies will play if I click on them, but that's it. I cannot access anything else. I cannot see posters, info, ratings, or anything else like I previously could. I have tried updating library. I tried waiting to see if it just took time to repopulate. I tried going through every angle, and menu I could think of. I literally spent like 4 hours last night trying to troubleshoot this, googling, reading, searching, etc. I finally went to bed last night around 1:45 feeling utterly defeated. Could ANYONE please help me figure this out?
Well i figured it out on my own. So for anyone else having this issue, if you want to stream movies to another source via upnp and you want that source to naturally be able to also receive all of the posters, art, and info, then you have to do it via playlists. Simply allowing access doesn't work. You will be able to watch the movies, but that is all. No info, ratings, art, actor bios, etc. It will literally only appear as a generic file

 -So here is what you do. Go to the main computer with the movies. Get into Kodi. Go to the FILE MANAGER, ADD SOURCE, BROWSE, find the folder full of the movies you want to add and name it.

-Then, after making sure you are allowing upnp streaming on both sources go to the other source you want to stream TO. Get into the file manager, search video files, choose "source", choose your upnp source, find the one you just named, and then make a playlist out of it. For instance if I wanted to stream from a folder called "HORROR", then to make the playlist I would browse and select the HORROR folder,  I would also select the option "path" and the secondary option "contained in". That way it will make a playlist of all movies contained within the path that is the HORROR folder you selected. 

 Then go into your settings, make a new menu, name it Horror, and link it to your new playlist and boom! Instant streaming of everything in that folder, with all the art, info, and other bells and whistles that come with it, just like if you were watching it on the original source

 I figured i'd leave this here for anyone needing help, and save someone else hours of frustration
" i posted this 3 days ago , and almost 200 different people viewed it, no one bothered "

We get a lot of lurkers and users that might not have the knowledge to help out, it's a busy forum and you need to be fairly consise in your post. (including a debug log helps)

" both adventure movies and horror, and just wanted to combine the two to declutter "

Yes; this happens a lot. The library function within Kodi is path specfic, change the path in the smallest way and the library needs to be rebuilt (rescanned) to point at each individual movie/listing. You don't need to make a smart playlist for this, (not to confuse other users) but glad it was a work-round for you. Tip: in settings use the export to seperate files and all your meta-data (images etc) will be deposited with the movie file in the same folder as the movie; a rescrape if needed will be done fast and local. Check the Wiki's First time user (wiki) and adding videos to the library, along with the Video library (wiki)
Okay, thank you for the additional info. It makes sense and I appreciate every tip I can get. Still learning this beast Smile

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Desperate for help. UPNP lost all art/info after change. Feeling DEFEATED :(0