Solved NetFlix on my Kodi stopped working, but I haven't changed anything.
Hi, I installed Kodi 18 yesterday on my Raspberry Pi 3b+ with OSMC and it worked just fine. The NetFlix addon worked like a charm which was my main goal. Today however, is a different story. I have no idea what happened. I haven't changed anything. The log is at: (I changed the profile_id to 1234)

I'm quite noobish, so explain it like I'm five. 

Cheers! :O)
Never mind. A reboot seemed to do the trick. That's Alphas for you. :O) I can't wait for the first stable one! Go go go!
Thread marked solved.
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I share the same enthousiasm regarding Leia. And v18 Smile

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NetFlix on my Kodi stopped working, but I haven't changed anything.0