fritsch passthrough patch
Hi fritsch,

I had the following link to your intel passtrough kernel patch: However it does not seem to work anymore. Is it online somewhere else? Is this, for instance, the current version?

Second question has to do with your custom kernel builds. I am currently running one of them, 4.9.5+. Rather than bugging you to patch more recent kernels, I am perfectly capable of doing it myself, but wanted to make sure I follow the same process you're using.

Do I start with a stock ubuntu kernel source (for instance, and simply apply your patch, or are there more steps involved? 

Thanks in advance!
-- Stanislav
I lost interest: <- here is a version for an old kernel, you can use it as starting point. The patch from the ML is wrong and should not be used.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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