.strm movies from library

I have some movies url save in .strm file and synced with my library. When I play it, in the info window only appear the name of the filename without title, plot, poster....
It is possible to develop some plugin to play the file with this information?

Actually i use t0mm0 plugin, but it doesn't display info. Anyone can help me? I'm a noob. Thanks.

import os
import re
import string
import sys
from t0mm0.common.addon import Addon
from t0mm0.common.net import Net
import urlresolver
import xbmcgui
import xbmcplugin
import shutil

addon = Addon('plugin.video.t0mm0.test', sys.argv)
net = Net()

logo = os.path.join(addon.get_path(), 'art','logo.jpg')

base_url = 'http://tubeplus.me'

mode = addon.queries['mode']
play = addon.queries.get('play', None)

if play:
    url = addon.queries.get('url', '')
    host = addon.queries.get('host', '')
    media_id = addon.queries.get('media_id', '')
    #stream_url = urlresolver.resolve(play)
    stream_url = urlresolver.HostedMediaFile(url=url).resolve()
    listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=stream_url)
    xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listitem)
(2018-07-26, 00:58)atomizasser Wrote: I have some movies url save in .strm
A stream file can be scraped into the library like any other movie. You just need to make sure the file or the movie folder (depending on your settings) is correctly named like the movie. There is no need to develop a plugin.

Look at the first image here. This is for .disc files, but it is the same principle as .strm files, just a different extension... https://kodi.wiki/view/Media_stubs
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Thanks for your quick answer.

Maybe I expressed myself badly.

I was able to include the movie .strm in the library and see everything perfectly: director, actors, plot,

My question was during playback screen. As well as a movie directly stored in the HDD on the playback screen I can see, poster, title, argument .... the files loaded from strm only shows the filename of the movie.
My idea is if through a plugin you can take the data from the library and show it during the reproduction of the url.

Thank you.
Ok, I understand.

I don't use stream files in my library, but I just tested one. I scraped it into my library, and when I played it I was able to view the plot, tagline and poster. I used the default Estuary skin.

Which skin are you using?
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I think it's not a skin related issue. I have some strm files on my library created with cguZZMan's Google Drive addon.
They don't show info during playback in the current stable release. But they do show on Leia nightlies.
I think the strm issues have been fixed on Leia, I have even tested some youtube live streams on strm such as Euronews, France24 and RT with iptv simple client and they work!
@atomizasser, I would suggest to go for Leia or wait until the stable release of Leia is out.
Thanks @olympus

I should have mentioned that I tested on v18 nightly.

I just tested on v17.6 and agree that the information is not visible as stated by the OP and yourself.

No fix will be made for v17 as it is no longer being worked on.
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.strm movies from library0