T:13484 WARNING: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner

I'm getting these errors in my logs. I've removed all the files and cleaned the library but it keeps trying to scan for them. I'll just post one example but there's about 20 of the same thing for other movies.

T:13484 WARNING: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner:: Process directory 'smb://$/American Gigolo (1980)/' does not exist - skipping scan.
A folder on your SMB network drive that "does not exist" seems a fairly straight-forward message.
Did you delete the folder manually and not tell Kodi about it.
Is the network connection to that video file down?

Otherwise, do a "Clean Video Library" action to remove any other old/obsolete folder references in the video database.
It's on my local computer. I have deleted all of them and cleaned the library multiple times. I'm down to two errors that won't go away.
I got the same issue. Have selected none and updated still it tries to scan for the folders that don't exist.

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T:13484 WARNING: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner0