Just downloaded and needing some help. I'm running windows 8.1 and using Kodi 17.6
I have grown tired of having to rename and change the cover art for my tv shows files and still not truly like the looks of the files. So I was looking for some free ways to kind of customize the way my files looked and I found Kodi" and I downloaded it now I'm stuck.

So here is what I have and here is what I have done.

I have a flash drive plugged into my laptop and it has a folder titled TV Shows and there is just one show in there currently.

I have used other free programs to change the cover art and the file names but I have not added anymore information to the files.

When I look at yahoo images for "Kodi TV Show Information" there are pictures of really clean setups.

Mine looks like CRA#. I'm trying to figure out how to change this.

Here is what I did and here is what I have.

I go to the upper right hand corner of my screen and hit the search icon and type in Kodi.

*The first thing I need to fix is having kodi full screen. I like the media player when videos are playing full screen but not the kodi how do I change this.*

*Next the only way I can get out of kodi is to close it. Is there a way t shrink it or a way to keep it open and yet just have it out of the way.*

When I open kodi there is nothing there. I need to click on "TV Shows" and then open the flash drive. Is there a way to have it already open and showing all the TV Show information.

TV Show information is not there.

I would like to bee able to have as much information from the TV shows and Episodes as possible. Show Name-Episode Title-Season # Episode # and a description of the episodes.

But since I'm still new to things and I have never used a program like this before I will need a lot of help.

Once my files are downloaded I do use (2) Programs to change the names of the files and the image art.

But I don't know much about this program.

Please help with what ever you can.

Plus I don't have and addons or setting changes I don't know what to change or what to install.

Thank You.
The best way for us to help you is to give you the information to help yourself. Nobody will have the inclination to walk you through it step by step.

My Signature below has all the links a new user needs. Start with the Quick Start Guide and follow the links in it, not forgetting about Basic Controls as it will answer some of your questions.
My Signature
Links to : Official:Forum rules (wiki) | Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons (wiki) | Debug Log (wiki)
Links to : HOW-TO:Create Music Library (wiki) | HOW-TO:Create_Video_Library (wiki)  ||  Artwork (wiki) | Basic controls (wiki) | Import-export library (wiki) | Movie sets (wiki) | Movie universe (wiki) | NFO files (wiki) | Quick start guide (wiki)
Okay I just figured out how to go from full screen to window. Now to start tinkering.
Okay I have just got done watching a youtube video that showed me how to add the files from a flash drive. And still get all the fancy episode information and stuff like that. This freaking program is amazing. It looks much better then a simple boring media player. I do like vlc but this is really nice with all of the information.
(2018-09-14, 00:30)Dawnb Wrote: This freaking program is amazing. It looks much better then a simple boring media player.
There are a ton of customizations you can make to the look and feel as well as its functionality. Hook a box to your TV and you will never ever use your laptop or PC for watching movies or shows anymore. Any decent cheap Android box can change your entertainment experience; I use Fire TVs. I haven't launched VLC or MPC-HC, or had to deal with codecs for almost a decade now.

Since Kodi is not just a media player, don't try to think of it as just a replacement for your media player software; Kodi is much more. If you are stuck somewhere, do a search on the forums; the chances are people have had the same questions before you. If you don't find the answer, ask and people are extremely helpful around here; I was a dumb potato when I joined.
If something that has to work is not working, post a debug log and people will be queuing up to solve your issue; without a debug log, they won't have enough info to help and you might not get your problem solved.

Best of luck.

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Just downloaded and needing some help. I'm running windows 8.1 and using Kodi 17.60