v18 beta3 does not shut down properly

we are using this Kodi18 Beta version for some time now. The operating system is Raspbian Stretch lite.
If Kodi is running and we will exit the application normally, Kodi will shut down the gui and the screen does turn black without comming back to the console directly.
If we check with htop the running processes, there are still some kodi processes running (something with 'lirc').
Clearly this comes up when we reboot the raspberry pi. The shut down process stopps and state something like:
'a job for kodi is running'.
After 1,5 Minutes the shut down process is going further and the machine will restart normal.

This behaviour is here since installation of Kodi 18 - even in a clean install without any add on.

Nothing seroius, but i think not to hard to solve bevore releasing the official Kodi 18.

Another point here: We are starting and stopping Kodi as a service, because the Raspberry is running 24/7 and we want to turn on and turn off Kodi via SSH commands.

(2018-10-06, 15:06)Olli0371 Wrote: Nothing seroius, but i think not to hard to solve bevore releasing the official Kodi 18.
The link to the source code is below:
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If you're starting kodi from a systemd service, I found (on Arch ARM) that I had to modify it to add the SendSIGHUP=yes line to get it to go down cleanly.  As well, using KillMode = mixed works too.  I'm not sure which of the two is technically more correct.
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@Olli0371 That problem is fixed now, I believe it was this commit who fixes it:
Just tested and it is working fine now.

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beta3 does not shut down properly0