Alpha Last Movie service addon
I've created my first addon - Last Movie. The addon remembers last video file played and on the next Kodi start opens the directory with this file and focus it.

I tested the addon with Kodi v.15.2 - works well and with Kodi v.17.2/6 - the directory is opened, but the file is not focused (I've hardcoded the list control - 50 - and looks like another control id is used in latest Kodi versions). 

Would appreciate if somebody reviews the code and advise what should be changed/optimized.

Well that sounds like an addon some would want to use. Very nice!

I am not much of a coder (at all) so someone else might do a review.

The addon name however rang a bell, an addon with (almost) the same name exists.

It’s actually a very useful addon that keeps a list of last played items.
I found it here:

You might want to sort that right at the start.


Interesting thanks. There have been a few iterations of this type of addon over the years but often they got released and never updated after that.

Regarding the name, perhaps you were unaware that there is already another addon called Last Viewed/Played (, which identifies as 'Last Played' in Video Addons, so your name may cause some confusion.
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What's about 'Last Movie' name? Haven't found something similar.

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