Win "Secure Shell (SSH/SFTP)" protocol option not available?
Hello, I'm trying to watch some movies over my laptop using my Windows.

More of the details...
I have set up my windows computer with Kodi 18.1 (latest and fresh install).
I also have a Linux PC (Running linux-mint with ssh enabled).

What I'm trying to do is that I want to watch videos (or access my files in general) from my windows-pc to my linux-pc drive over SSH protocol. I remember that I was able to do it in older versions just by adding the network location using the ssh protocol. Apparently i can't find it now.

The issue here seems to be that I can't locate the "Secure Shell (SSH/SFTP)" protocol option.

I'm gonna include a short video (in GIF format) in order to show you my options. Thank you for your time.

Link to the video: Video showing the issue
On Kodi 18 you need to install SFTP support from Addons....Virtual Filesystems

Background for these changes is here
Thank you for your reply. I have installed that addon before the fresh install but i didn't notice any changes. Thankfully I tried it after your reply once again and it seems that it's working now. Thank you again.

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"Secure Shell (SSH/SFTP)" protocol option not available?0