Request: plugin or script
I know there has to be a few live music lovers on this site, hosts a TON of live music streams, it would really be great to have a script to play them with! I have seen a few other requests for it on here but haven't really found anything that works yet. Anyone feel up to it??

I used to use it all the time to find music, but haven't in a while since I started using XBMC instead of my computer as a music library.

I'm working on another script right now, but if no one else tackles this before I get done with it then I will do it, doesn't look to be too hard (but that's what I said about the other one, and that turned out to be much more than I ever expected).
Any luck with the script?
Working on it now Smile

My time for this sort of stuff is pretty limited especially when I know I won't be using it that often.

I'll be out of town for business all next week, which is when I found the time to do my LastTube plugin, so maybe you'll have it by next monday.

Sweeet, whenever is fine with me, i just got another xbox and really want to hear some good tunes......
Is it monday yet? Wink
OK, so far this trip has comprised more of drinking with the locals than the last so idk about monday any more Smile

I haven't forgotten about it though just be patient. So far I have the main band list, the show list for each artist, and maybe 20% of the actual music files able to be listed in the command line. Haven't done anything xbmc related yet, though really that's the easy part. The regular expressions (the commands that find the links to the actual music file) are the hardest thing (at least to me) because I only 1/2 understand what I'm doing. I'll get there though.

I'll probably release this first as only streaming, then I'll add downloads to a context menu or something. Maybe. We'll see how it goes.

Is downloading a big issue for you or would just streaming be ok (that is, if I start getting lazy and don't want to figure out how to handle downloads)?
Streaming is fine with me, most of my HD's are full or close to it anyway so whatever i don't have to download to hear or watch anymore is a plus for me.

Thanks alot for doing this script, i know i will get a lot of use out of it.
*twitch twitch* i'm jonsin' here man, any luck with that script??

Don't want to rush ya', just making sure you haven't forgot about me.
Any updates on da' script mon'?

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Request: plugin or script0