Kodi on nvidia shield tv (android tv)
Here is what I do.
Watch something in Kodi, use Exit to close Kodi.
As I see the normal launcher I hit the powerbutton on my remote and this turns off my tv+amp, after some time of inactivity the shield goes to sleep - due to inactivity.
Sometimes, just sometimes -yes this is pretty intermittent - as I wake the shield from sleep Netflix is the first thing that comes up and not the normal launcher.

Apparently Kodi does not exit properly not closing the app after using the exit function of the Kodi app?
This crashes stuff on the shield and last app (in my case Netflix) comes up ... This only happens IF the device have gone to sleep after exit... really hard to explain (and not currently at home to I cannot send logs right now).

Original info on the shield forum here:

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Kodi on nvidia shield tv (android tv)0