Movie/Video playlist WITHOUT auto-play next?

Im using Kodi on an Android TV box (updated to latest available Kodi-version 18.8).
And i have the following use-case here:

Is there a way to make a playlist that does NOT automatically play the next movie, but waits for clicking Next button on the remote (or some other button)?

Reason is, im using Kodi myself on some other machines and i don't need that.
But my grandma is 82 years old, and she's in bed now all the time.
She wants to watch all those old black-&-white movies that we have.  Which already works fine with Kodi right now.

But, i have to problem that she's too old to learn how to "navigate" through the menus and select the next Movie, so we made a playlist.
But playlists play and dont stop,  and when she falls asleep which is often the case,  she "misses" like 6 movies and its still playing when she wakes up.
So would be good if it stops after every movie, waiting for a click or something.

Is there any solution you could think of?  - Im also not sure,  maybe a Playlist where you have to click "Next" button on the remote or soemthing?
Or what would you have done?

#2 the way:  I already turned off  "Player / Videos / Automatically play next.."  for all types.
But Playlists still auto-play next.

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Movie/Video playlist WITHOUT auto-play next?0