Android 9.0 Info bar over Kodi
I am not sure if I will be able to explain my problem.
I use an android box, running Android 9.0.
Kodi works fine, (using latest Leia release) and the only problem is that the original android info bar (the top bar with clock, wifi, bluetooth etc.) is on top and still visible when the Kodi is opened and also while playing movie.
I was trying to use immersive mode on Android to permanently hide it, but does not work, always works only reboot.
Strange thing is that Kodi is the only video app which has this problem, other players are on top and the infobar is not visible.
Is there any Kodi setting / addon which could set Kodi always on top which could "hide" that infobar?

Thank you in advance for any help

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Android 9.0 Info bar over Kodi0