Movies Poster Cache Issue - Nvidia Sheild
Hi All

I currently run a HTPC in the lounge which maintains a Windows Kodi install and updates a mysql library.

I used to use a Mecool Andriod box in my bedroom that uses the mysql library / media over ethernet, it worked well ish but I recently upgraded to a Nvidia Shield (this one).

Now the Shield is way way better, faster, doesnt crash ever etc, however after adding the advancedsettings.xml which points to the mysql library it works etc as in both TV shows and Movies are in there and playable etc however for Movies 90% of the poster art is missing, its just blank etc.

I have tried lots of things to get the posters in there, you can manually go into information on each movie and 7 times of 10 add the poster manually, but some don't seem to have them. But nothing I try automated works, done numerous scans / tried artwork beef etc, but nothing works.

Is there a way I can force Kodi to add the Movies posters?

I know there are posters for them as the HTPC has all the posters, and the Mecool box before had all the posters etc.

Are you on v18.9?
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Just checked, I'm on 18.8

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Movies Poster Cache Issue - Nvidia Sheild0