DeleteTag method?
Hi. I recently tested a new scraper that had a feature to create tags out of keywords, that was enabled by default (horrible idea!), and I didn't notice. As a result, my tag list got completed bloated with tons of garbage tags, of which I had to manually remove each by hand using the TagOverview addon. For those of us who only use Kodi with a remote control, that task was extremely tedious.  It would've be vastly more helpful and efficient if there were a method to "DeleteTag" from the database. "GetTags" already exists so if there were a companion DeleteTag, you could very quickly script a fix. For that matter, it would be very easy to write a tag manager script using json and bypass the Kodi gui completely which is beneficial to those of us who maintain Kodi primarily via ssh. Any chance a DeleteTag method could be added?

Forgot to mention... Adding this would also allow for better maintenance using the new webif/chorus2 rewrite that supposed to be better and address everything that's missing, crippling it being a good maintenance tool & alternative to the Kodi GUI.

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