Solved No Kodi 19.1 on Google Play
How come I cannot see the 19.1 release on Google Play from my nVidia Shield?

Searching for Kodi, I only see "Kodi (Beta)" with 19.0 version.

Do I have to sideload it (which annoys me because it means no automatic updates, I think), or wait or what?
Wait a bit.

We always roll out the Android updates more slowly than other platforms. This is due to the rather fragmented nature of Android devices and the "customisations" that manufacturers tend to make to the OS on them. It has proven better to do things more slowly so that issues on particular families of devices/manufacturers can be spotted and dealt with more easily.

It may just be that you aren't in the release group yet (it's determined by Google, not us) but full release won't be too long.

Also for reference, the version we make available on our download mirrors for sideloading is the same as the one on the Play Store (same app ID). So even if you do sideload, if a newer version becomes available on the Play Store then it should auto-update anyway, presuming you have app updating enabled in the store of course.
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As @DarrenHill  said... Just grab the 19.1 apk from here:

And install it on your Shield. Because the signatures are the same it will upgrade your existing version from the Play Store and will also continue updating to future versions when they are published in the Play Store.
I was wondering why it's not showing too. I have a shield TV, Humax Aura, Sony Gravis and Samsung galaxy Tab S6 and none of them are getting 19.1. I thought it might be because I'm in the UK and it hadn't been pushed out here yet. I'm keen to update them as 19.0 has been terrible on all my devices, constantly crashing even before I get to play anything. I'm hoping that my issue is because all my media is on my home LAN and accessed by SMB shares, which looks like it was an issue on Android tv
To follow up, the full 100% roll out from the Play Store has just been triggered, so once that propagates out then it should be available to everyone.
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Thanks for the update Darren
Thread marked solved.

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