XBMC's way of handling input
Hi all. First let me start off by saying what a great application XBMC is proving to be, even on Windows (it runs smoothly on my Pentium 3 900mhz with a crappy to be replaced Geforce 2 MX).
There's just one catch for me.
I have this very very exotic remote. No problems, I've written a driver application for it in C#, and that works fine for me. That is, with all normal Windows applications. XBMC however seems to directly read the input from the keyboard itself (low-level), and I think this is the reason it won't pick up any key I send from my driver application. I'm using Sendkeys at this moment, and I was kind of hoping that someone could tell me how I can actually get this working. Any ideas?
No-one got an idea?Tongue
We use SDL to read the keyboard. If it's picked up by SDL, then it'll work.

I suggest writing an event client specifically for XBMC - the api is very simple. See xbmc/tools/EventClients/

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XBMC's way of handling input0