Suggestion: Reorganize Skins Support/Confluence topic
I submit that the Confluence topic has become unwieldy. Over time it has come to combine two unrelated subjects, namely (1) fixing a by now obsolete skin and (2) introducing its more worthy yet highly deviant from the original successors. To visit the Confluence topic seeking information about the new skins but find it littered with the old defunct issues is not only taxing. Tt breeds endless repetition of the same old, and mostly solved, issues. 

I therefore propose to excise from old Confluence:
Confluence with Skin Shortcuts,
... all novel solutions aimed at keeping Confluence sleek and fast, but also technologically up to date (skin shortcuts, multiple widgets, customized lists/buttons, &c &c),

and bundle them together in a new topic named Confluence Modernized|Extended|Improved|anything similar.

I also propose to recognize that Unity is a modernized  Confluence in all but name, and therefore either to merge Unity into the aforementioned new topic, or to add within it an explicit hint that Unity belongs thematically here.
Addendum to list of modernizations of Confluence:
Skins must be in the official repo to receive their own forum, and mods such as Xonfluence are always discussed in the forum for the skin they are based on. While original Confluence may not suit you, it is very still alive and kicking and being updated, so is still a good alternative skin to Estuary for people who want a lightweight skin, as not everything wants a heavy weight skin which is what you get once you start introducing stuff skin shortcuts.
Thanks. I know understand why some threads become unwieldy (too many variations of the same base, tons and tons of dead wood), and all threads look to someone with a background in law & administration as out of frame: there is not supposed to be a common framework, the only rule being "every developer gets his own thread, but not before acceptance of his official submission to the official repository". Though this is madness, yet there is method in it.
I agree that even though there is a need for an extended & modernized version of Confluence, this does in no way obviate the need for good old lean/bare Confluence --- with the requisite updates to improve usability (low menu bar, lean menus, more submenus). I also agree ---this is in fact undisputable--- that the inclusion of skin shortcuts, however useful, slows a skin down.

IMHO ACZ is a worthy successor to Confluence. In my testing it is even faster than Confluence, plus it looks better. But it is not perfect, and sadly its pace of development seems to have slowed down.

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Suggestion: Reorganize Skins Support/Confluence topic0