Start playing video -> audio starts 1-2 seconds after video starts
UPDATE: This is not a Kodi problem. Please pardon the intrusion.

Hi, folks. I'm not sure whether this is a Kodi issue or an OS-level video player issue. Please feel free to tell me how to rule out Kodi as a suspect. I'm not a total beginner, but you can't insult me with beginner-level questions.

When playing a video inside Kodi, the video starts, but the audio doesn't start for 1-2 seconds. (It might be less than that.) The audio and video are _synchronized_, but the first 1-2 seconds of the playback has only video. After Kodi has started playing, if I skip back to the start of the video, I hear the audio from the beginning. Opening a local video file in VLC doesn't do this: the audio starts from the very beginning of the file.

What might be wrong? What should I check? Is this obviously not a Kodi problem? or might it be a Kodi problem?

I'm running Pop!_OS 21.10 on a System76 Meerkat (meer3) connected over HDMI (both video and audio) to a Samsung dumb TV. I'm playing video files over a local network from another Pop!_OS 21.10 Meerkat (meer6) using Samba.

Many thanks.
Well...I´m not sure what Kodi does on this PopOS, but I can´t replicate this problem using LibreELEC or Fedora. And I´m using an AVR and Kodi is switching refreshrates and my video files do have digital audio tracks....

Not saying the OS is the problem, just saying that I don´t see that problem using other OSs
Indeed. I came here just to delete this thread; I noticed today that it wasn't limited to Kodi. Thank you for helping me to confirm this.

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Start playing video -> audio starts 1-2 seconds after video starts0