Build Error For System Containing FFMPEG 4.4 And 5.0
With Arch Linux having put out ffmpeg-5.0 along-side ffmpeg-4.4, I encountered a build problem.
My resolution was a simple 
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib/ffmpeg4.4/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig"
prior to using cmake.

Hint: If you already used cmake before using the export, just wipe the cmake build directory first and issue a clean cmake.
You'll want to see 
-- Found FFMPEG: /usr/include/ffmpeg4.4 (found version "4.4.1")
instead of 
-- Found FFMPEG: /usr/include (found version "4.4.1")
Kodi's build system will get confused because it auto-detects dependencies on your system.  You need to build in a clean-chroot on Arch and you will not have those problems.  Use clean-chroot-manager to make it even easier.
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As interesting as that is, it's not for me.
I do custom manual builds for pretty much everything and hardly ever use PKGBUILDs, and whenever I do, I just use makepkg.
I make sure I have prerequisites already installed and make programs reference them.
I see the kodi PKGBUILD downloads 10+ reference/library packages which isn't needed if I've already got them installed.
In any case, like I said, I had already gotten it to work using the "export" I mentioned which I figured I'd share.

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Build Error For System Containing FFMPEG 4.4 And 5.00