Sort Title and Renaming
Is is possible to auto-populate the Sort Title field on scraping. I did find that this was removed in 2014 but is there a way to re-enable it? I want my files and folders to rename as "Guest, The" instead of "The Guest" I found the $E variable in the renamer, but if the field is blank the title is left blank.

Apologies if this has already been answered but I have spent the last two hours searching for an answer and was unable to locate one.
No, because auto sort title make no sense (for many reasons). But what you want is possible with the flag $L (List Title) and is driven by the tokens you've added under Settings => Movies => General => Sort Tokens (or maybe under Settings => Options => General => Sort Tokens in the latest version, I'm not shure).

Edit: you also should remove the default german tokens like "der, "die" and "das" ect.
That is what I needed. Thank you.
Follow up question. I'm trying to use the new multi edition feature in Plex.

This pattern works great when renaming a folder with the Edition field filled "$L {($Y)} {[$M]} [$R] {{edition-$6}}" results in "Halloween (1978) [R] [1080p] {edition-Extended TV Version}"

but when it's empty I get an extra trailing "}" like below.

Halloween (1978) [R] [2160] }
(2022-08-25, 08:49)garmon Wrote: $L {($Y)} {[$M]} [$R] {{edition-$6}}
The problem are the double { and }. In the renamer these characters are reserved for flags and can't be used for file names or directories. I've to check if i can fix that. Please open a ticket on my GitHub page: Link
Will do. Thank you.

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