Solved "@" character in default English keyboard?
Can "@" character be added to the empty space on default English QWERTY layout


as is for example in German QWERTZ layout; maybe in the same place?


As it is now it's impossible to enter any email address needed for various logins, before going to Settings/Interface/Regional and searching/selecting a keyboard layout that has this character, and then choosing it in onscreen keyboard layer.
It is a good suggestion. I'm not at home right now to check but I think the "@" is there in the English layout somewhere.

From memory it appears in place of one of the numbers possibly when you change to symbol mode and put caps on.  Not 100% sure right now but it is there although as I said it would probably be nice to have it somewhere more prominent as you suggest.
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You are right, it's on the same place as no "2" when caps are on. I didn't look hard enough, sorry Blush
Thread marked solved.

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"@" character in default English keyboard?0