Option to change thumbnails storage from C drive
Any chance of an option when installing to change thumbnails storage from C drive. It is taking up a lot of space and is not good for SSD to keep loading them all. I have seen posts about this, but they are ancient from Vista era and don't work on Win10 or have complicated solutions of which most are not explained properly.
Might want to investigate 'pathsubstitution' This wiki Path substitution (wiki) gives a thumbnail example. So it's not like click falling off a log simple, creating an advancedsettings.xml is not too difficult in an editor and the wiki shows a thumbnail example what to put in it, the <from> is the place Kodi stores it's thumbs, and the <to>, is the path target in which you want Kodi to look for it's thumbs.

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Option to change thumbnails storage from C drive0