How can I install nightly build ?
I have installed 19.4 for arm64 from normal install

but I want to install kodi 20.0 nexus alpha 2 for arm64 on armbian so I have added ppa:team-xbmc/unstable but when I try to install this ppa via  sudo apt install kodi nothing shows in program menu and kodi command not works.How can I fix this problem?

thank you for your help
(2022-09-15, 10:04)deltree Wrote: so I have added ppa:team-xbmc/unstable but when I try to install this ppa via sudo apt install kodi nothing shows

Kodi's Linux PPA is for designed for Ubuntu and its derivative OSes for x86-64 hardware only.
I'm not sure which hardware you are going for, but for the Armbian OS you'll need their specific downloads, or compile it yourself.

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How can I install nightly build ?0