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[Request] TVNZ OnDemand
TV3's fixed, now back to what I was working on originally (TVNZ).
Author of the NZ OnDemand and ZoneMinder addons, and caretaker of the pyamf script. Contributor to fanart.tv, TheMovieDB and TheTVDB.
Is there a new TV3 plugin?

I'm still getting a script error in XBMC running "plugin.video.tv3.ondemand-1.2.2.zip"
I get the same error with the TV3 OnDemand plugin.

Here is an error from the xbmc.log file.

NOTICE: Requesting page: http://ondemand.tv3.co.nz/The-Event-Seas...fault.aspx
NOTICE: Couldn't get video RTMP URL
Yeah, sorry guys - my laptop I was working on for this script is a bit broken at the moment, and the code is stupidly only saved locally on the machine. I'd fixed the issues with TV3 and got Ziln working for the combined plugin, so I'll try to get it cleaned up tonight and submit it - if I can get the laptop resurrected.
Author of the NZ OnDemand and ZoneMinder addons, and caretaker of the pyamf script. Contributor to fanart.tv, TheMovieDB and TheTVDB.
digidave Wrote:MAX_BITRATE=800

In case you found digidave's solution a little unclear:

  1. Navigate to the plugin folder in the addons folder xbmc/addons/plugin.video.tvnz.ondemand
  2. Open default.py in a text editor (eg TextEdit, Notepad)
  3. A few lines after the copyright notice, change the value of MIN_BITRATE from 400000 to 900000.

It should look like below:
BASE_URL = 'http://tvnz.co.nz'
MIN_BITRATE = 900000
__addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.tvnz.ondemand')

While you're playing around, remember to disable ads if you wish:
  1. Within the tvnzondemand addon folder, navigate into resources xbmc/addons/plugin.video.tvnz.ondemand/resources
  2. Open settings.xml in a text editor
  3. Change the word true to false

It should look like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <setting id="showads" type="bool" label="30000" default="false"/>
You can disable adds from the UI, just like for any other addon settings.
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

Can someone please upload the tv3 on demand plugin again? Also, would isky be possible?
Sorry guys, I've just got back from holiday. I've fixed my laptop (sort of) so I'll finish off the combined plugin this evening and finally get it released, and then look at adding iSky sometime in the next few weeks.
Author of the NZ OnDemand and ZoneMinder addons, and caretaker of the pyamf script. Contributor to fanart.tv, TheMovieDB and TheTVDB.
The unified NZ TV plugin is now working, with just one small bug to squash and I'll release it in the next few days.
Author of the NZ OnDemand and ZoneMinder addons, and caretaker of the pyamf script. Contributor to fanart.tv, TheMovieDB and TheTVDB.
Is anyone looking at fixing the TV3 plugin? I get a "script error" when ever I run this.

Also - how is the iSky plugin looking??
Good News Mark, Looking forward to it Smile

@ baxternz - TV3 will be working with the new unified plugin.
Indeed, the new plugin currently has TV3, TVNZ and Ziln. Everything's pretty modular, so new services can be added pretty easily. The bug I'm looking at is for selecting the preferred quality for streaming video - for some reason it doesn't matter if you choose Low, Medium or High quality, the script always defaults to the Medium quality (the default setting that I've added in code). This may be that I'm not reading the setting right, or that my logic isn't working, but I should have this done soon.

As far as iSky's concerned, I've sorted out my account so I can now login to the service and stream content. I just need to work out how the streaming works (HTTP, RTMP or something else) and then figure out the easiest way of scraping the content (hopefully there's an RSS feed or similar, but failing that it'll be an HTML scrape using BeautifulSoup to get to the useful stuff). I also need to make sure that I can sort out authentication, as you need to login to the iSky site and my plugin will need to do this and stay authenticated (hopefully Python will do the clever cookie management stuff automagically for me).
Author of the NZ OnDemand and ZoneMinder addons, and caretaker of the pyamf script. Contributor to fanart.tv, TheMovieDB and TheTVDB.
Shouldn't be too hard. I've used something like the following several times before;

import urllib2
import cookielib

cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
req = urllib2.Request('http://example.com')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
Thanks hads, saves me having to spend 5 minutes with my good friend google looking for an answer. It also looks like this'll work with XBMC's python (2.4.5), which is always good news.
Author of the NZ OnDemand and ZoneMinder addons, and caretaker of the pyamf script. Contributor to fanart.tv, TheMovieDB and TheTVDB.
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[Request] TVNZ OnDemand2