A lot of missing artwork - configuration with db
Hello there,

By cleaning up my video library (renaming if misrecognized, removing duplicates...)
I realized that I had many movies without image.
Difficult to know exactly but probably 50%.
Out of 5000 movies, it's not easy to go over each movie to change that.  Angry

What would be your recommendation to make a complete update ?
Adding the missing, cleaning if not present etc..

My configuration :
MariaDB : 10.4
Kodi : 19.3 & 19.4 (depending on devices)
No NFO or Image in the movies directory. All movies are in the root ; video file only
And the rest is in DB.

An example in image of what is missing
And a view of the data in my DB.
"art = 86k lines". There is data!



Any ideas? Smile

Small info forgotten Smile
I tested the script texturecache.py

With some arguments... This has not changed anything
No idea about this issue ?  Big Grin
What happens when you rescrape the movies? Do you get artwork?

Delete a couple of those movies from the library, rescrape them and provide the log if the artwork is still missing.
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In fact, if I edit a movie for example, when I actualise from Internet, I get the cover
But how to do that for the whole video library?
I don't know how to relaunch a rescrape on any movie, and especially without losing the watched tag...

From the webui I can even choose another cover that is not "corrupted". 
So I guess yes, if a rescrape all movies without loosing watched state, it will be good !
But how to do that ?
(2022-12-03, 16:43)Kreg0 Wrote: So I guess yes, if a rescrape all movies without loosing watched state, it will be good !
Use this addon for watched state... https://kodi.tv/addons/matrix/service.watchedlist

To reset your library, see... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3120248
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A lot of missing artwork - configuration with db0