EPG, recording and timeshift with OctoNet
Hi there,

I am sorry for asking maybe stupid questions about Kodi. I want to watch TV comfortably, also using timeshift, EPG, record TV program on hard disk. I want to provide this for other users in my shared flat too. But in this KODI universe there are hundreds of abbreviations (pvr, dvr, vdr, pvr-vdr,...) and plugins, whose benefits, if described at all, are described only with these abbreviations... I am overwhelmed.

What I have is

1) A DVB-T2 antenna and a DVB S2 Satelite bowl
2) a multiswitch for Satelite signal
3) an OctopusNet DVB-Sat>Ip Server, that is digesting DVB-T2 too
4) CAT5 Network to all rooms
5) an Ubuntu LTS X86_64 PC with Monitor / TV Screen
6) KODI installed with OctoNet PVR Client add-on (nothing more up to now)

I can see the channel list and watch TV with kodi, but not more. What do I need for seeing EPG, for using timeshift and for recording to harddisk? There is only one button for stop (small sqare in lower left part of the screen) but no controls for play/record/seek.

Can someone give me some hints what else I have to install? I thank you in advance.

(If you want to use wording like backend or frontend, please also state where you are standing and in which direction you are looking^^ from my point of view, octopus would be backend, kodi desktop application the frontend)
Install Tvheadend server (backend)
Thank you Jönke, that helped a lot. I installed that on my Synology and it is working fine!

And people have also made an effort to give beginners a good guide 🤗

I am happy...

(only strange is the plugin name for kodi ... )

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EPG, recording and timeshift with OctoNet0