EoL of an add-on
Hi everyone,

I couldn't find information on this, so if there is, kindly share a link, please.

I am looking to discontinue/EoL old versions of the iplayerwww add-on in the krypton and helix branches. In my opinion, they can stay there "as is", but are no longer supported. What is the recommended way of flagging an add-on accordingly?

Thanks in advance!
I'm not one of the repo maintainers but I believe the only thing available is to set addon as broken, see https://kodi.wiki/view/Addon.xml#%3Cbroken%3E

However that is mainly used if there's been something like an API change which means the addon doesn't work anymore, or the addon has been superceded by a new addon. I'm not exactly sure of user impact of setting broken either so perhaps wait for someone with more knowledge in this area to respond.
If they aren't actually broken, I would just add something to the description in the addon.xml saying they aren't supported anymore.  Before you do that, I would submit an updated version to one of the newer repositories (probably Matrix unless you love maintaining Python2 and Python3 stuff) with a higher version number.  Once that is merged you can update the older version's addon.xml.

The other option is just to do nothing.  I tell people I only support current and one release back of Kodi, push to repos accordingly, and try to make sure I'm saying that in the various forum threads.

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EoL of an add-on0