raspberry pi os 64 bit - libretro cores fail to start -Client returned bad status (5)

some background info first: i recently switched from Libreelec to raspberrypi os, Libreelec is great but i wanted to be able to do something more with the pi.
At the same time it is important for me to be able to run kodi and play my old roms through retroplayer.

I proceeded as follows:
I installed kodi through apt  (kodi 19.4)
Always through apt i installed kodi-game-libretro (and kodi-game-libretro-dbg in a silly attempt, hoping this would fix everything... ;-) )
I modified advancedsetting.xml in order to skip zip, iso etc
I downloaded and installed the libretro buildbot from here: libretro buildbot
I installed some of the emulators addons for testing from the newly added repository (FCEUmm for example, which installed fine...)
Unfortunately all core seem to fail, from the log i get:
2023-01-07 09:23:40.304 T:1625    ERROR <general>: ADDON: Dll Nintendo - NES / Famicom (FCEUmm) - Client returned bad status (5) from Create and is not usable
2023-01-07 09:23:42.185 T:1625    ERROR <general>: RetroPlayer[PLAYER]: Failed to initialize game.libretro.fceumm_libretro_buildbot
I can provide the full log, or run any test if it can help...

Note. i think i could remember that retroplayer did work in the beginning of my "experiments" which started during these holidays... but i cannot swear.
I did play quite a lot with a couple of addons and skins in these days and I might have imagined it worked.
I might have messed up the system, but I am not really sure how to recover (i tried to restart from a fresh .kodi folder, but still the same issue) without restarting from scratch.
The only thing that sounded strange to me is that when installing the emulator cores, it said that i needed a certain version of libretro, something like >1.0.0 but it showed that i already had version 19.0.3 installed.

is there anyone that could provide some support?

thanks a lot


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raspberry pi os 64 bit - libretro cores fail to start -Client returned bad status (5)0