You should take "Helping Users" off the contribute page if you don't actually want it
I came here because I found the contribute page which says "we highly encourage you to field questions in the forums."

However since being here there's little to no appreciation and years old members are quite rude.

If you don't actually want strangers in your little club I recommend not asking people to come here.
(2023-01-12, 20:16)nymdbwdp Wrote: I came here because I found the contribute page which says "we highly encourage you to field questions in the forums."

However since being here there's little to no appreciation and years old members are quite rude.

If you don't actually want strangers in your little club I recommend not asking people to come here.

You are encouraged to ask questions, yes.
Whether or not you like the answers is not our problem.
Going back to your posts and the few responses you got back, I see no one being rude in anyway to you.
Your posts are also never too far from interesting, which probably is the reason for the lukewarm answers.
We pride ourselves in treating everyone fairly and with respect. This is the way we are.
We also like to help but we don't care about useless chatter.
If you do not like it here, by all means, leave.

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You should take "Helping Users" off the contribute page if you don't actually want it0