Win C++ PVR add on questions
Hi there,

I started playing around with Kodi and have a few development questions.  I'm interested in playing around with a PVR add on.

So I built a small test dll.  The thing is that I think from the instructions that you a supposed to build from the command line.  I think that this might be so that some Kodi add on code can be built into the add on dll.  I am used to debugging easily and if necessary attaching to an app or having VS run the app for debugging.  Maybe I can add a custom build step?  I'd like to just do everything from the VS 2022 GUI.  I understand that I might have to copy the .pdb to the add on folder.

I have read quite a bit of the docs but I'm not sure of the above process.
I'll answer my own question.

I did get a test dll built that worked without using command line building.  It looks like you need to use the same defines that were on the command line and obviously link required libraries.
For the existing PVR's the Windows cmake builds the sln files you need.  Use the main build/kodi-addon.sln to built the complete package and build/ for the addon.


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