Browsing/Filtering by Genre
Is there any way to filter my movies by genre? I've been looking but I don't see it. Also, while i'm here, how can I change the logo of the "Go to next level up" icon in the movies section? Right now it has the NO THUMBS icon. Thanks.
You have to add your movies to the library first (I'm assuming you haven't judging by the complete lack of info you've given). See the wiki for further instruction.

Scan all your movies into the library

Then enable library mode in the GUI
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I did add it to the library already. My issue is trying to find a place where i can browse my movies by genre. For example, if I want to see all my actions movies, or would I go about looking all the movies in that genre? I'm using the Media Stream skin with Beta 1. Any help would be appreciated.
Try backing out of a view. That usually brings you to the genre / titles etc area.
ZOTAC IONITX-D-E Intel Atom N330 Dual Core 1.6 GHz NVIDIA ION with LIVE on SSD (now updated to Nvidia Shield Pro (P2897)
You may also have "Flatten" enabled? That option will remove the extra list nodes. Should be a button to the left on the default skin, you'll have to do some scouring if you're using another.
Thanks Kidkiwi. I stumbled on it while playing around with the keyboard commands. I presses backspace and went there. Thanks again.

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Browsing/Filtering by Genre0